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Erasmus Mundus Scholarship

Hey, serious time is coming!

By any mean, I really want to motivate myself to go on the path to self-improvement, so I decided to make this blog to write down everything I am required to do to carry out my elaborated plans. And my biggest motivation now is, a ticket to Europe, a chance to study abroad for free and an opportunity to find my identity. 

Why is Erasmus Mundus?

While growing up, I have always been obsessed with the name Erasmus Mundus, even though I have plenty of options for scholarship, but I don't know why I couldn't leave that name out of my head or I couldn't stand to be tied down in one place after graduating from university. I always feel eager inside thinking that I must be granted that scholarship someday. I have been waiting to this day to be able to collect myself together, my courage and my accomplishments as a student to move closer to this intellectual dream.   

Which programmes am I aiming at ?

Scrolling an array of programmes in EMJMD catalogue, it took me quite awhile to actually spot the most suitable programmes for my educational background which are PANGEA and MaRIHE. I'm not going to give too much detail about these two programmes since the consortiums have already provided explicit information related to each programme on their particular websites that everyone can have a look later at EMJMD Catalogue.

Why do I select PANGEA?

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Pangea is a master programme in 2 years aimed at offering a unique, dedicated training and experience in fundamental and applied paleontology, including geoconservation and geoheritage.

PANGEA is the closest programme to my educational background. I am essentially a geotechnical engineer graduated as valedictorian and I had worked in a laboratory for two years and a half, which is  rather acceptable to set off. Paleontology lies on the border between biology and geology, so obviously I'm holding 50% of the chance on this path. 

And why is MaRIHE?

MaRIHE is a programme aimed at development and management of research and innovation in higher education. It doesn't require a bachelor degree in some specific fields, exactly an open door for me that I should seize the door knob to not to let it close. 

What have I gotten to this day?

Generally, my profile is not an outstanding one and I really need to head to the right direction to turn over a new leaf. I can list some of my accomplishments below: 

  • GPA:  3.41
  • Ranking: #1
  • Work experience: 2.5 years
  • Languages: English, Chinese, Japanese
  • Paper: None

What are troubling me?

Of course, I need a job! 
Hmm, and a research paper too!
Allow me to sigh here. Haizzz.

Obtaining a worthy job is not easy at all, I'm looking for a voluntary job but it seems to hide from me somewhere and requires a lot of effort in the quest for employments. My second concern is writing a research paper to be fully qualified for the application. Regarding this matter, I need to utterly concentrate on the plan to the highest level of dedication because it's truly something to burn the candle at both ends for. Seriously, I can't dawdle over it any longer. 

My another concern is about IELTS Certificate, I'm not able to acquire it now because I just want to be sure that I will get a high score on the test. 

On the other hand, I still have to look for 2 letters of recommendation which I'm not sure whom I am going to contact. Currently, I have 2 possible options, one is my dean of the former university entitled Associate Professor holding a PhD from a foreign university, and another one is my previous boss. 

There's only one more year for me to apply for this scholarship, one year sounds quite long, yet after what COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on our normal lives over these 2 years, I unavoidably understand that one year or ten years will eventually pass if we don't force our bodies to work to the full potential.

I will continue to update my plans here.

To-do list:

  1. Take IELTS test
  2. Look for a job
  3. Write a research paper
  4. Contact references
  5. Write a letter of motivation


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