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[COL] We may fear less


I’m pondering on my age.

I started feeling desperate about old age after reaching 25 because I’ve always been warned about all the changes to come as a full grown woman. As a routine, I keep track of the transformation of my body compared to my past experiences I had with it and vigorously I feel that the process of aging is sneaking up on me. My skin is getting drier and I suffer outbreaks frequently before my period each month. My hair becomes thinner throughout time which is the problem I’d never expected before since I have always been known as someone with a thick hair texture. And most importantly, the youthfulness in me was transcended by age. However, the fear of ignorance urges me to delve into the roots of my disease and sickness to find out the best practices of healing that I sorely need. I know there must be a solution for all things and it is somewhere out there in the middle of my subconscious.

Marie Curie once said that nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. And she was right, I suppose so. After more than 26 years living on earth, I could count how many times I had sunk myself in a million of fears. Fear of losing, fear of failing, fear of aging and probably, fear of death. But the matter of fact is that, death or even life is not that scary, it’s just troublesome to think about. We often feel a pang of dread when it comes to the fleeting time but that worry is not strong enough to get us out of the endless darkness of a sticky bog sucking off our shoes every time we take a step. We actually need to harness the power of our mind and gather positive energy around us all the time.  

We don’t age because time flies, we age because we accept our negative changes and do nothing.

There was one man who had told me to make coriander  juice to drink every day and I followed his words. In the past, due to my unhealthy living lifestyle, migraine was my best friend and predictably I took pain relievers to get rid of it right away just as instant gratification. Consequently, the situation got worse since long-term use of medication only causes rebound headaches and in the future it may lead to many side effects including liver damage, stomach bleeding, and kidney disease.

Drinking coriander juice does help me a lot in rejuvenating my body and soul. When your brain is completely free from headaches, it will work more efficiently and beside that, your memory will be improved which is totally necessary in this ever-changing society of technology. The health benefits of coriander are endless for our entire body, from lowering sugar levels to boosting immunity, from hair rejuvenation to skin cleansing and trust me, that’s something you should try to see the miracle.


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