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A strange dream

 Last night I had a really strange dream.

I could say that it was a story told in flashback of what had happened and it also predicted a little bit about the near future. 

It was a story about stages of my life, some had passed some are still beyond my anticipation, but I have faith, it's the only thing I know by now. I have realized many other significant things after being sent this dream, that faith remains inside everyone of us without our knowing because we don't actually believe in simple things such as love, faith and dream. We know the words but we are not fully aware of them, of their true meanings which are still hidden under a thick layer of mortal soil. 

I was in my classroom with a lot of students, I guess they were my classmates. We had an assignment to do and we had to work in a small group of three. I was with two friends, one was my college's classmate and the other was from my secondary school, we collaborated with each other to do the task but we didn't discuss together, we worked independently until the last minute, then we gathered everything together to perform to our teacher. The result was not great since we all failed in teamwork, obviously. 

After that, I went out of the classroom to go home. On the way walking out of my class, I met up with my friend, D, she was at a table eating her foods, I joined with her, we then talked and laughed happily, like we always did. Then I told her about a date I was going to have with a man I was currently interested in, she accompanied me to that place to meet him. It was a compound of café, restaurant and hotel. And he came. He went up to the room where we had appointed at the first place. D told me to go after him, and she disappeared. I went up to the place following a woman, she led me to a code panel and entered the number 0330, she said it was the password of the secret room and I entered the room. He was inside with other two men. 

The room was like a wedding room with a lot of marriage gifts in red with traditional Vietnamese patterns, betel nuts and spousal cakes. We had dinner inside and then he started touching me, we were struggling the whole time seeing other two men doing their personal stuff and we stopped, we had a small talk and he left. I then once again went out later than him. I tried to find him everywhere but I couldn't see him nowhere, I called him, I heard another voice reflecting back but I knew it wasn't him, I kept looking. I went through many hallways and I saw a code panel exactly like the one I had seen previously, a couple entered the number 0000 and they came in there, I knew it wasn't that panel so I changed the direction. I then entered a very splendid room and I was stuck there for a while. In almost every old dream I had about getting lost, I couldn't find the way out of the place, but this time, I finally made it, I got out of the room and went downstairs where D and I had stayed last time. And I saw him waiting for me at a table. 

My dream was over that way.

It was a very symbolic dream as I could say.

It tells the truth and reveals many signs, the teamwork spirit, the angel numbers and the spiritual friend, but most importantly, it's the way out of my once-long-lasting jumble. I have finally found an escape and I feel illuminated about faith, faith in simple things around me, faith in the omens and that...

When you really want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it.


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