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Showing posts from 2022

Circle of Life - The Neurological Control of Human Sexual Behavior and Celibacy

I have always been confronting this monster for a long time. I'm not sure if I should call it "a monster" since there is no specifically scientific verification for that definition.   Actually I'm not well prepared typing these lines because I think my brain is totally washed out right now, so just go to see what's gonna happen next, maybe i could discover something new for myself, possibly When I first started this channel, everything was so optimistic on my side, at least that time, I could still compose things passionately, I could feel a very strong flow of emotion, like if someone had attacked me, I would have definitely burst into tears.  The innocent me was still in the realm of safety from being torn apart in the middle of the overlapping barriers, like a criss-crossed web produced by a spider. Recently, I have done some research on neuroscience  for work purpose. And those amazingly new discoveries about our magical brain have lead me to the epiphany lite

[COL] We may fear less

  I’m pondering on my age. I started feeling desperate about old age after reaching 25 because I’ve always been warned about all the changes to come as a full grown woman. As a routine, I keep track of the transformation of my body compared to my past experiences I had with it and vigorously I feel that the process of aging is sneaking up on me. My skin is getting drier and I suffer outbreaks frequently before my period each month. My hair becomes thinner throughout time which is the problem I’d never expected before since I have always been known as someone with a thick hair texture. And most importantly, the youthfulness in me was transcended by age. However, the fear of ignorance urges me to delve into the roots of my disease and sickness to find out the best practices of healing that I sorely need. I know there must be a solution for all things and it is somewhere out there in the middle of my subconscious. Marie Curie once said that nothing in life is to be feared, it is only

New hobby

  Hey, today I’m gonna talk about my new hobby, at least I find it interesting. This morning I had to wake up at 2 and drive my mom to the tourism company for her 4-day trip to the middle area of Vietnam. And before she went on her holiday, she had told me to take care of her garden. I was busy thinking about my works so I didn’t actually pay attention to what she had instructed. To be honest, I even felt irritating, what a bad kid I was. But it doesn’t matter since I’m okay with gardening, I’m okay with her proxy. And today, I went up to the terrace of my house, I enjoyed the sunlight. Gotta say that it was really hot but I felt calm, I think that’s a good thing to do since I stayed inside of the house for nearly a week. I need some vitamin D. And then I went to the foam box filled with water, I took the plastic water ladle and take out the water from the large foam box to water the vegetables. Every single drop of water pouring down to those shiny green leaves and brought me refre

I'm going crazy

  What is the fucking wrong with you Des? Don't fucking blame people for your mistakes.  If you can not control your fucking stress, don't mistreat other people.  Yeah I understand you are undergoing stress, a severe one. And I keep encouraging you to go somewhere alone for yourself and have a real convo with your fucking self. I did tell you to stop harassing people but you don't listen. Give me a moment please. I need to work with it. I need to solve it. I need to run really. I need to push myself to the limit. There needs to be a way for me to let everything out. I can't stand it. I'm going crazy. I truly don't understand why stress keeps hitting me continually like a sudden never-ending rainfall. I thought it was cyclical but not. Recently it has lasted for nearly a month and it's driving me mad. It has lasted for too fucking long.  And I scarcely control my anger or maintain my composure toward anyone. I can not hold my ego down like I used to be able o


  Today I watched the notorious Fatal Attraction (1987) starring Glenn Close and Michael Douglas. The movie is that same kind of erotic thriller which was quite popular back to the day. In these movies, sex is always the main drive of crime and obviously we have seen so many men and women on screen recreated all the scariest incidents happened by the loss of control of some psychopaths.  I was one of them. If you want to know about my past love story, I'm happy to tell and admit that I was a psychopath. I was really mad and out of control. I tortured my ex lover every night and I didn't care about the consequences I would face in the near future. I haunted her like a ghost crying everyday asking for a reconciliation. So pathetic I was. Watching Fatal Attraction, I felt like I was seeing a bad joke on myself which is so sardonic. I can't believe I did behave the same way as Alex did. I was like out of my mind and made a fool of myself. I totally understand the borderline per

Never repeat other people's mistakes

  I went to an old bookstore this morning to look for props for my next video in the series Circle of life by Ming . And guess what, I learned another lesson about running my business. For what I have always been trying, everything I do in this series is all real so I always I want to prioritize the spirit of experiencing life. There are plenty of things that I have never done before at the age of 26, counted as little things like walking in an old bookstore I have seen several times or simply eating a bowl of pork organ congee. The moment I landed my feet on the ground of the bookstore, there was an unspeakable euphoria of wisdom rising up inside of my soul because I knew, the voice of the creator wanted me to get there today and he had already checked the task saying mission completed on his checklist for me to achieve it. I like the atmosphere that hung over this old bookstore. What appealing enough was stacks of books embodying classes of generations which were neatly packed in

How I overcome my illness

The southern area of Vietnam this season is incredibly hot. I can say that the weather is as hot as my temper every time I'm on the drag. Not funny at all.  I get mad with almost everything and no way I could maintain my composure to deal with situations arising in my daily activities which affect my mental health badly. Whenever I feel out of track, I talk a lot, or text a lot, depending on which methods I use for communicating. But most of the time, I text a lot. I usually allow negative thoughts to drag me down and sometimes intrusive thoughts, whatever it can be, the devil inside me, the personification of all the worst will emerge and screw things up. In short, these days, I'm seriously lost my mind and fall into a giant angry pot full of boiling water with hatred towards life.  Me of some years ago suffered PMS more severely than now,  I even wanted to die and cried literally everyday in the week before my period. I would deceive myself that I was the most miserable perso

City girl

  It was a tough Valentine's day you know, I had to travel a lot but it was cool, to be honest, I did something new, which is the most important thing in this journey of finding myself. What does that mean by finding myself anyway? Riding my bike, the stream of thoughts encompassed my mind, forcing me to solve the quest of human psychology, from the lifestyle behavior of my old boss, my friends and acquaintances to how I was born and raised in this glamorous city of classes. The elements that form the combination of this girl I am were assembled through a developing process of family background, education and by chance, people I have met up with.  I winded up thinking about this matter when a flash of memories crossed my mind, on my way of getting closer to the nature embracing me all the time without my recognition. I wonder, why mother earth always favors earthy souls and brings them to me, a city girl fueled by the hustle and bustle of a distressful glitzy world. I can't den

The Dunning - Kruger effect

  Do I need to write about it? I'm not sure, I'm not sure whether I have the authority to actually judge someone. But obviously I'm still a normal human being strapped in the world full of jealousy and arrogance. And I must admit that I am just a freaking mediocre person.  OMG I should have just shut my mouth up and let them experience themselves instead of throwing up everything I know in the hope of them to understand my shit. WELL CALM DOWN! Urgh I will take a deep breath and think about how I behaved many years ago. Yeah I was a wild horse, I used to think I was the center of the world and for God's sake I have repeated that phrase many times in my old posts. But the matter of fact is that everybody who has come to my life at this phase all behaves the same as I was right before my awakening.  I get mad. I'm mad because they don't understand, they don't understand anything, they think they know everything, they think they're an expert in their field

Stay still and keep quiet!

 Ambling along the slippery isle of my perception, deep inside of that dark hole, the light burst in and I know I'm awakening. I have heard about that word several times in the past, but I had never actually had any remarkable insight of it, yet I know I'm awakening, at least for this moment, in this phase of my life. I have contemplated many things, along with multiple questions I have been asking myself, I also look back every route that I took when facing the crossroads and I saw a giant problem which has troubled me for a quite long period of time.  Everything happened to me naturally in a way that I had no idea how it worked, without my being aware of it. I just know I have experienced enough to see I need to stop and start all over again, to be myself and to find peace in my soul. The day I left my family to have a life out there, I had always been blaming myself for interacting with other human beings and for fitting in with the community. I had a very strong acknowledgm

A strange dream

  Last night I had a really strange dream. I could say that it was a story told in flashback of what had happened and it also predicted a little bit about the near future.  It was a story about stages of my life, some had passed some are still beyond my anticipation, but I have faith, it's the only thing I know by now. I have realized many other significant things after being sent this dream, that faith remains inside everyone of us without our knowing because we don't actually believe in simple things such as love, faith and dream. We know the words but we are not fully aware of them, of their true meanings which are still hidden under a thick layer of mortal soil.  I was in my classroom with a lot of students, I guess they were my classmates. We had an assignment to do and we had to work in a small group of three. I was with two friends, one was my college's classmate and the other was from my secondary school, we collaborated with each other to do the task but we didn

hometown - family - friends

There are times I try to look back every step along the way by reading my old posts. Rereading is sort of fun, brings me the novelty of the current version compared to the old one I used to be. I once saw a post on Reddit discussing what would happen after we die. There was a comment saying that, we die in every single second. Every movement that we are about to make in the next second is also an updated version of ourselves and the previous versions are dead, so death is the essence of our life.  And yes, I have died many times and I have lived many lives. It's 2022, time flies as how it always does periodically. Yet I also have my anxieties and my own aspirations deep inside, it has been a hectic time for me with a whirl of thoughts needed to be rearranged in my head. I have left Saigon, the splendid city with nights of shimmering urban lights, to return to my loving hometown where my long-forgotten family has a strong bond with. I came home with my mother and my siblings along w


  MY WORK HISTORY  According to the to-do list that I made some days before, the second entry below that of taking the IELTS test is job hunting , that's the reason why I write about this topic today.  In this post, I'm going to write about my childhood dreams, jobs that I used to experience in the past and my career aspiration for a better future.  My childhood dreams I'm nothing special. At least that is what I have realized at the age of 26, but winding the timeline back nearly 20 years, I really knew nothing, I didn't see the truths about us, humans, about how tiny we are compared to the universe. I thought I was special and unique and I would become someone important some days, someone really really great. I had dreamed of becoming a prime minister, a writer, a journalist or an English teacher. I did make it in some fields and still, what I haven't achieved gradually diminished along with the devastation that the adult world has caused to me.  My choices And th

How to get a Band 9 in IELTS?

Hey! Let's be straight, my goal is Band 9! :)))) Well, let's see how proficient we are in English to get a band 9 in IELTS.  As we all know, t he test covers four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.    IELTS is graded on a scale of 1-9 and I will present the requirements of the Band  9 in each section below.   READING & LISTENING:  You have a full operational command of the language. Your use of English is appropriate, accurate and fluent, and you show complete understanding SPEAKING Fluency and Coherence  • speaks fluently with only rare repetition or self-correction; any hesitation is content-related rather than to find words or grammar • speaks coherently with fully appropriate cohesive features   • develops topics fully and appropriately  Lexical Resource • uses vocabulary with full flexibility and precision in all topics  • uses idiomatic language naturally and accurately Grammatical range and accuracy • uses a full range of structures naturally and